IKOKキョクシン空手SONODAgroup会長 1965年生まれ、55歳、13歳で極真空手をスタート、18歳~28歳の十年間は、現役選手としても活躍 1989年には、全関西オープントーナメント極真空手道選手権大会で優勝 最初のビッグタイトルを獲得 1991年、全日本オープントーナメント極真空手道選手権大会中量級王者に輝き、第5回全世界オープントーナメント極真空手道選手権大会の日本代表に選ばれる。2019年8月、IKOK極真会館SONODAgroupを設立、現在に至る。

In 1989, at the All-Kansai Open Tournament Kumite Championship, Kaicho Sonoda won his first grand championship.

International Karatedo Organization Kyokushinkaikan (IKOK) SONODA Group’s Chairman (会長 –pronounced as “Kaicho”) was born in 1965. Currently 55 years old, Kaicho Sonoda started training in Kyokushin karate at the age of 13, and was actively competing for 10 years between ages 18 to 28.

And in 1991, not only did Kaicho Sonoda win the All-Japan Kumite Championship Middle-Weight category, he was also specially selected to represent Japan for the 5th World Open Tournament Kumite Championship. Kaicho Sonoda won all preliminary matches until the final day’s fouth round.

With over 40 years of experience, Kaicho Sonoda established the IKOK SONODA Group in August 2019. As of February 2021, SONODA Group has branches across 90 countries, making it one of the fastest-growing Kyokushin organization in history.

Akatsuki Dojo Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Grappling Karate / Imanari Jiu-Jitsu Switzerland / Henko Kyokushin / IKO Kyokushin Sonoda